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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, during this month, the Alliance holds events to spread awareness and support the victims of domestic violence and abuse. This year, 2023, we have several events being held and different days to get our community involved. As you keep reading you will see a calendar with our events and we hope you all can get involved and support a huge cause that is of huge importance to us at the Alliance Against Family Violence.

October 2023

This year we are all about community engagement in supporting survivors. On the calendar, many events are listed as social media events and self-events. These include our Purple Up Day which will be a competition where all submissions with our hashtag (#alliancepurpleup) will be entered into a drawing for a gift package. We also have self-care Sunday which is a day for you to take time and take a self-care day in which we will be posting some self-care events you may participate in. 


Our main event this year is our candlelight vigil, which will be on October 28th, at 6 p.m. at the Leavenworth County Justice Center (601 S 3rd St) for victims of domestic violence as we light candles and invite anyone to come to support the event. Below you will see a timeline of our events this month and hope everyone to be involved!

October Events

October 4th

October 7th

October 8th

October 14th

October 15th

October 18th

October 20th-21st

October 28th

October 29th

Speak out day! Share your experience with someone you trust

Fort Riley Retiree Appreciation Event, Fort Riley Retiree Appreciation Day 8-1pm (information table)


The pink clothing closet, 8-10AM POp up community closet at Shae Koonce Photography

Watch your favorite empowerment film

Alliance hosts Chamber After Hours, 4-6pm at Leavenworth-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce, a thank you to our community

Purple up day!!! Join our contest and post your purple then tag us to enter and win. On the 20th-21st, use #alliancepurpleup and winners will be announced the 23rd

CANDLELIGHT VIGIL, 6 pm Leavenworth County Justice Center

601 S 3rd St, for victims of domestic violence and be sure to get a purple ribbon

Purple ribbon day, Wear your purple ribbon and tag us to be featured on our social media!

Let's Get

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P.O. Box 465

Leavenworth, KS 66048

(913) 675-7220

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